Saturday, April 25, 2009

The arrogant me..

I sometimes seek perfection around me. I expect everyone around to strive towards perfection. (FYI - I am anything but perfect. I am just an ordinary human being, who believes its human to make mistakes. But occasionally, I forget to acknowledge few people as humans). It sometimes brings out the arrogant side of mine.

I have shouted at restaurant waiters for not serving a glass of water till I completed my dessert. I have shouted at a shop keeper (just today ;)) for assisting me wrongly. I have scolded the delivery boy for not bringing my food on time. I have expected a lot many things out of people than I should be. It's time to lower these expectations, cos
1. I am not perfect either.
2. I aint God.

But nevertheless, like I said, it's human to make mistakes ;) However, its pretty much in human control not to repeat them..


Anonymous said...

I think its fine to be arrogant. One tends to behave in a certain manner & polished to be be arrogant :D

Uday said...

So when are you going to stop being arrogant? :)